Saturday, April 5, 2008

I won't cry mom. Remember I'm a cowboy!

Briston went in for his Kindergarten shots yesterday. When we got there I told him to be as strong as he could and we would go get an ice cream. He said "I won't cry mom. Remember I'm a cowboy!" Oh yea, what was I thinking! He got 4 shots, two in each arm and just like he said, not one tear. After the second shot he looked at the lady and said "I don't like this" but that was it. Here he is when we got home and as you can see, he wasn't too bothered by it. What a tuff little cowboy!


  1. That is priceless! I can totally see ALL your boys making that exact comment :) Love your family picture at the top, too! You are so pretty!

  2. Way to go Briston! I sometimes wish I could talk my kids into being cowboys!!
    How you doin?
